Thursday, September 1, 2011

More Boeh-bama Squabbles

This has been going on for a while. It's almost like Boehner and Obama don't like each other very much, like the mysterious turtle-esque face of Boehner does not care so much for the over-sized Obama ears. So far, they've kept their squabbles contained to debates over minor issues like the fate of the nation and the destabilized economy teetering on the brink of destruction. You know, kids' stuff. But now, it's personal--they've overstepped their boundaries. Yes, Obama's long awaited job-creating speech has been deferred a day by His Petulancy, who rejected Obama's proposal to speak before a joint session of Congress.

This has never actually happened before; usually, Congress you know, allows the president to speak before them. The request is something that is merely a formality, for the date is usually pre-arranged, as the White House claims it to have been. Boehner's gestapo cabinet, on the other hand, claims that the Supreme Turtle heard nothing of the letter before it arrived and declined on innocent grounds--it was too much of a hassle on the day Obama requested and would be much simpler on the day afterwards.

Children fighting
There was a lightning exchange of annoyed letters that went back and forth thereafter. Why the controversy? Many think that the disagreement is derived from the fact that Obama asked to speak before Congress on the same day as the Republican debates, and that it was a political move on Obama's part to try to scrounge in some news time this news cycle, and Boehner didn't want to detract from the possibility of Republican viewership. The hot date is September 7th, which just so happens to be a day where nothing else significant is happening. September 8th, the date for which Boehner wishes to reschedule Obama's long-awaited speech, is the kickoff NFL game between the Saints and the Packers and, no offense to Obama, but I'm guessing the general public is going to be significantly more interested in that.

The White House agreed to Boehner's insidious terms and this speech, which was supposed to be a big deal, will simply be usurped by the superior entertainment value derived from grown men chasing a piece of leather up and down a pasture.

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